Friday, June 4, 2010

To my dad on his birthday

The following are fictional discussions, based upon actual events.

Conversation between a five-year-old boy and his dad, while riding in a white, 1965 Chevrolet Bel Air station wagon:
"Dad, why do you always let me shave with you, and put shaving cream all over my cheeks and let me use your extra razor without a blade, and then splash after shave on my face?"
"Well, I just don't want you to grow up to be one of those hippies. Actually, that's just something dads do with their sons."

Conversation between an eleven-year-old boy and his dad, while riding in a royal blue, 1974 Chevrolet Vega station wagon:
"Dad, why are you reading books to learn about soccer, just so you can coach my team?"
"Son, that's just the first step. I'm also practicing a Scottish accent, so I can have some credibility out there. Actually, that's just something dads do with their sons."

Conversation between a fifteen-year-old boy and his dad, while riding in a red, 1976 Ford Granada sedan:
"Dad, why did you sit through that entire track meet, only to watch me trip and fall over two of the five hurdles?"
"Well, it was worth it to see how great your form was on the three that you cleared. And that's just something dads do for their sons."

Conversation between a 21-year-old boy and his dad, while riding back to college in a metallic blue, 1983 Volkswagen  pick-up:
"Dad, why are you sacrificing so much putting me through college?"
"It's not a big deal. I've always wanted a paper route. Actually, it's just something dads do for their sons."

Conversation between a 47-year-old boy and his dad, while riding in the son's sapphire blue, 2003 Kia minivan:
"Dad, why do I love playing with my kids, teaching them how to vacuum, buying them popsicles when they're sick and creating the best ponytails humanly possible?"
"It's just something dads do for their daughters."

Dad, you've taught me so much, these examples don't even scratch the surface. Happy birthday.

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